Monday, May 28, 2012

The Challenge of Coping with Sexual Trauma

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime and Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, over 683,000 women are victims of sexual assault every year. Of these, nearly 211,000 suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the cases of sexual abuse are not only limited to women. You will be surprised to know that as compared to girls, boys are more likely to get assaulted sexually by non-family members such as coaches, priests or ministers in places such as schools, churches and athletics program. In nearly 86% of the cases, boys become victim to male perpetrators.

Upshots of Sexual Trauma

The incidence of sexual harassment leaves a deep impact on the mind of the victim. This wound takes a long time to heal and during this healing period, the sufferer undergoes a number of mental and psychological instabilities. This article deals with some of the heart-wrenching effects of sexual trauma.
  • Flashbacks
Memories are supposed to bring back loud laughter and cherish-able moments. However, this may not be the case with a victim of sexual assault. Flashbacks are a very common after effect of sexual trauma. When a flashback occurs, the victim is unable to differentiate between the past and the present and feels that he/she is experiencing the entire incident all over again. Such flashbacks can recur in the any form, such as dreams, images, overwhelming emotions or even a specific smell. Although flashbacks are a passing moment, some can prove to be highly dangerous and last for a long time. In case of flashbacks, try to comfort the victim and make him/her aware of the reality.
  • Depression
Out of the various mental and psychological reactions, depression is the most common after effect of sexual trauma. It is very normal for a person to feel blue for few days after the assault. However, if this sadness persists for longer, that is more than two weeks; depression becomes a serious matter of concern. The most dangerous part of depression is that its effects are reflected in the victim’s day to day life. Depression often leads to obesity or extreme weight loss, persistent fatigue, indecisiveness, and anxiety. In some severe cases, the victim can develop a feeling of worthlessness and may even attempt suicide. It is therefore essential to seek professional help if you observe persistent depression.
The experience of sexual trauma varies from person to person. Therefore, there is no single best way to deal with sexual assault. Remember, it is a terrible experience and people just can’t snap-out of it all by themselves. They need care and help from their loved ones. 

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